引言在神经外科手术室的无影灯下,一场关乎生死的精准博弈正在上演。医生手中的手术刀距离脑肿瘤仅毫米之遥,却面临世纪难题:该切除多少组织才能根治肿瘤,又不损伤掌控语言、运动的脑区?传统病理诊断需要4-7天的漫长等待,而术中冷冻切片(Frozen ...
A new study has been published in Nature Communications, presenting the first comprehensive atlas of allele-specific DNA ...
Read the Market Summary Here:- https://reportocean.com/industry-verticals/sample-request?report_id=bw8517 ...
A comprehensive atlas maps DNA methylation across 39 human cell types, revealing a complex landscape of epigenetic regulation.
Researchers have developed a comprehensive atlas that maps DNA methylation—a critical chemical modification governing gene ...
My colleagues and I examined blood samples from over 3,600 older adults across the United States. We measured their ...
Government and private funding for genomic research is the key factor driving market revenue growth. According to the Alzheimer’s Disease International, As of June 2024, it is anticipated that more ...
Transposons, so-called jumping genes, are a threat to genomes, so plants work hard to prevent them from mobilizing and ...
Researchers led by the University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Korea, have checked the performance of a noninvasive urinary DNA methylation test for bladder cancer diagnosis. Findings indicate ...
This review discusses the current state of multicancer early detection tests, the role of machine learning in their ...
Bacteriophages, the most abundant life form on Earth, infect bacterial cells and influence the structure of the microbial ...