美国青年飞行员拉里·达雷尔在部队里结识了一位爱尔兰战友,在一次战斗中,这位战友为营救拉里而牺牲。拉里因此对人生感到迷惘,弄不懂世界上为什么有恶和不幸。复员后,拉里既不肯进大学,也不肯就业,一心想探求人生的终极。为此,他丢下未婚妻 ...
和《月亮和六便士》《面纱》《刀锋》一道,奠定毛姆“故事圣手”基础和文学史独特地位。 故事以毛姆亲身经历为蓝本,描述了身有残疾的主人公菲利普从孤儿到长大的完整过程,亲情、爱情、友情,校园、艺术、理想,在重重枷锁中,苦寻自由而难得,最终 ...
To the Covid Inquiry, the longest-running farce outside of the West End. With costs for the great gravy train now expected to top £200 million, Fleet Street hacks are certainly getting their ...
June, 1929: Maurice Tabret has survived an air crash, but the injuries mean he's been invalided out of the air force. He's determined to remain cheerful, but his condition affects all those close to ...