Take 9 credit hours of courses. Take the first half of two pillar sequences. Enroll in Math 5905 (part 1 of 2). Prepare to take one (or more) of the preliminary exams offered in January. Take 6 credit ...
For students on the Thesis Plan, this form must be submitted to Graduate School by the end of the student’s second semester. For the Non-Thesis Plan, the student's Advisor will be the Graduate ...
However, as of August of this year, the math options available have changed. If you participate in the DP, be aware of the following changes in three areas: The timeline for current math courses ...
The California State Board of Education on Wednesday voted to push back its timeline for reviewing and revising the California Mathematics Framework, a voluntary guidance document on how schools and ...
An overall GPA of 3.0 must be maintained. Enroll in at least 6 hours of dissertation research each semester Continue toward completion of the dissertation research Finish writing, and defend the ...