If you have received a new credit card recently, it probably contains an EMV chip. You may not have noticed it because most US retailers still let you swipe to pay. But that will change soon.
An curved arrow pointing right. Computer security researchers at payment technology company NCR have discovered a gaping security flaw in EMV (Europay, Mastercard, Visa) chips on credit cards.
But in the U.S., you only have to go back about 10 years or so — before EMV chips and contactless technology became standard on credit cards — to find a different world, where those now ...
The "EMV Cards - Global Strategic Business Report" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering. The global ...
The B-Dinar MasterCard Payroll card from Burgan Bankwill also feature an EMV chip, which means higher levels of card and data security when making purchases over at Point-of-Sale (POS) terminals.