It is a meditation on the lives of both our Lord and the Virgin Mary. "Christian prayer tries above all to meditate on the mysteries of Christ, as in ... the Rosary." "Meditation engages thought ...
Fun Family Activity: Make your own rosaries. Kits are available from Holy Cross Family Ministries by calling 800-299-PRAY or at ...
The Virgin Mary and her rosary saved my life ... And it has been my experience, as a priest, that those who pray the rosary inevitably are led to a more fervent participation in the life ...
The community gathered Tuesday evening at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church on Tucson's Southside for a rosary for the ...
Amen. As a Church, we unite ourselves with the prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mary under the title of Salus Populi Romani — Health of the Roman People — and we entrust the spiritual and ...
Rosary beads close rosaryA string of beads used as a method of prayer or meditation ... The Assumption of Mary. Fruit of the Mystery: Grace of a Happy Death and True Devotion towards Mary.
The rosary's structure consists of reciting an "Our Father" followed by ten "Hail Mary" prayers, repeated five times, with each "decade" dedicated to a mystery from the lives of Jesus and Mary.
led Thursday night’s Rosary. “We gather in prayer for the health of the Holy Father Francis with Mary, Mother of the Church and of Good Counsel,” he said in his opening prayer.