The Mana series by Square Enix has been dormant for quite some time. As a series, it hasn’t really had its time in the public eye like its siblings, Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest, have.
在2024年8月30日,备受期待的《圣剑传说Visions of Mana》终于正式与全球玩家见面。这款由Square Enix精心打造的王道奇幻RPG,作为经典《圣剑传说》系列的最新作,继承了系列的一贯风格,注入了现代化的元素,带来了全新的战斗系统与开放世界探索体验。
Kenji Ozawa aims to protect game creators and to not push managerial burdens on to them. Ozawa makes this mission statement known through the reveal of his studio's new YouTube Channel.
To better understand what the team at Square Enix is cooking up, I sat with Mana series producer Masaru Oyamada to talk about the game’s legacy, its shift to open-world play, and what makes a ...
The newest JRPG in the Mana series was released with the anti-tamper technology last year, but a new update on Steam shows that Denuvo is no longer present in the game. Denuvo’s inclusion in ...
Trials of Mana for iOS now has support for controllers and achievements, after a long wait since it first launched.
This would line up directly with the series’ 25th anniversary next year. The PS Vita version of Rise of Mana will launch in Japan this spring.