The best MMORPGs (massively multiplayer online role-playing games) come in all sorts of different shapes and sizes. From sci-fi epics to sprawling fantasy adventures, you'll find a wide range of ...
Black Desert Online remains one of the best MMORPGs that you can play on a console. With this open-world MMO offering crossplay between platforms and support for up to 120 frames-per-second action ...
We’re retracing the lineage of MMORPGs all the way back to their source: a little game called Ultima Online. Gaming has evolved in leaps and bounds, but sometimes it’s easy to forget just how young ...
Indie MMORPGs have hit the scene at staggering numbers over the past several years. While most of them could hardly be called MMOs simply due to their low populations, the misnomer is also due to ...
In massively multiplayer online role-playing games, millions of people meet up to explore, compete, and collaborate in expansive virtual universes. MMO hype has cooled since the aughts ...