传奇(4994)宣布自行研发的大型线上幻想风格MMORPG端游《晴空物语Online》,将推出多国语系的《晴空物语:REBORN》全球版,昨日展开事前预约活动。传奇表示,原本营运中的《晴空物语Online》台版进度并不会因为全球版 ...
MMORPGs can have great longevity if made correctly. Here's a look at some examples of old titles that are still online today.
Mabinogi Mobile is still in progress after a period of radio silence, with potential news well on the way as hinted at in a ...
《RF Online Next》是基于2004年推出、20年来在全球54个国家拥有2,000万用户的经典IP《RF Online》开发的全新MMORPG作品。 游戏背景设定在宇宙之中,围绕三个国家之间的故事展开。玩家可通过生物套装、飞行动作及机甲装备“神器”等元素体验多样化的战斗策略。游戏计划于上半年正式发布,支持PC和移动双平台运行。
The best MMORPGs (massively multiplayer online role-playing games) come in all sorts of different shapes and sizes. From sci-fi epics to sprawling fantasy adventures, you'll find a wide range of ...
丧尸题材mmorpg游戏《Persist Online》现已在Steam发布抢先体验版,游戏中,玩家将从丧尸大军中杀出重围,获取所需的材料或武器。这可能将让游戏拥有 ...
Black Desert Online remains one of the best MMORPGs that you can play on a console. With this open-world MMO offering crossplay between platforms and support for up to 120 frames-per-second action ...
In ascending to the producer role, Havlusch credits current Producer Bonnie Armstrong for "plucking" him from obscurity and ...
We’re retracing the lineage of MMORPGs all the way back to their source: a little game called Ultima Online. Gaming has evolved in leaps and bounds, but sometimes it’s easy to forget just how young ...
Indie MMORPGs have hit the scene at staggering numbers over the past several years. While most of them could hardly be called MMOs simply due to their low populations, the misnomer is also due to ...
In massively multiplayer online role-playing games, millions of people meet up to explore, compete, and collaborate in expansive virtual universes. MMO hype has cooled since the aughts ...