作为一款全球玩家热爱的动作游戏,《怪物猎人:世界》(Monster Hunter: ...
盼望着盼望着,狩猎的季节就要来临了。 在等待《怪物猎人:荒野》(以下简称MHWs)发售的这段日子里,我的电子ED变得愈发严重,尽管Steam库里还有很多买了没玩的游戏,可是一看到MHWs图标上的“即将推出”四个大字,似乎其他游戏都瞬间变得索然无味。
Projections warn that "much of the open ocean could reach a near-permanent" marine heat wave state by the end of this century ...
各位苍蓝星在奔波了一整天后,回到狭小的帐篷里,此时全身已经被汗液浸湿,在狭小的帐篷里不断往外冒着热气……那么 ...
These are the ways in which you can get your hands on the Ancient Wyvern Coins. They can be a great collectable and can be used perfectly in the game when need be. Moreso, they improve your game ...
Monster Hunter Wilds is coming in hot with tons of exciting features. The newest era of monster hunting is here.
MHW is not only about killing powerful monsters. For many it is a way to express themselves through the character creation.