BMW 针对原本就已充满驾驶乐趣的 M3 Touring,进一步提升动力、升级底盘调校,并且减轻重量,首度推出性能表现更激进的 M3 CS Touring 车型。在更热血 ...
BMW 针对原本就已充满驾驶乐趣的 M3 Touring,进一步提升动力、升级底盘调校,并且减轻重量,首度推出性能表现更激进的 M3 CS Touring 车型。在更热血的同时,依旧保留达 500 公升的后厢容积。 M3 CS Touring 依旧采用 S58 系列 3.0 升直列六缸双涡轮引擎,现可最大输出 ...
Wagons are back, baby. The BMW M3 Touring is just about the best one-size-fits-all solution to going fast, practically.
When it comes to the term wicked, you can opt for the mischievous or ultra-cool meaning, however, when it comes to the new M3 ...
IT之家 1 月 30 日消息,宝马公司全球首发了 M3 CS Touring 旅行版,最高时速可达 300 公里 / 小时,“Touring”意为旅行车,该车将成为宝马速度最快的 3 ...
1月30日,宝马公司全球首发了2025款M3 CS Touring旅行版。该车型最高时速可达300公里/小时,成为宝马有史以来速度最快的3系旅行 ...
For such a practical take on the performance car, the new BMW M3 Touring has a wonderfully skunkworks vibe. ‘This is my baby,’ declares M division’s head of development, Dirk Häcker.
The first customer examples of the G81 BMW M3 Touring are only just beginning to hit the road, but AC Schnitzer has already launched its upgrade package for the performance estate. Also available ...