Lysosome-related organelles (LROs) or granules are the main protease storage and processing organelles of the endolysosomal system. The range of proteases present in LROs is cell-type specific.
Similarly, our knowledge regarding the connections between autophagy and human physiology has continued ... that helped lead to the discovery of the lysosome as a distinct entity in 1955 (see ...
Each lysosome, about 0.1 to 1.2 micrometers in size ... say that it's a process of self-cleaning that happens within the ...
To pinpoint the individual components of the missing pathway, Tan used a lentivirus to express an enzyme called Turbo-ID in human cells, which sticks a biotin tag onto any protein within a ...
This bubble then merges with the lysosome, where the contents are broken ... leading to the buildup of waste inside cells and human diseases. "We're excited about the potential of this research ...