The discovery of histone lysine demethylases has provided the ... efforts will soon shift towards understanding the detailed molecular mechanisms and biological functions of these enzymes, and ...
Among the most commonly taken supplements is L-Lysine, though registered dietitians don't usually stress a need to take it unless you have a medical condition or dietary restriction that prevents ...
Lysine's precise role in the prevention and treatment of herpes labialis outbreaks is unknown. Of seven randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies reviewed, six showed lysine to be ...
Lysine demethylase 6A (KDM6A) is a demethylase that plays a key role at regulating developmental gene expression signatures in several tissues, including neuronal cells. The KDM6A gene is located in ...
Methylation is one of the more prevalent chemical modifications that histones undergo. Researchers have previously found that the methylation of one particular location, lysine-4, on histone H3 ...
Recent work in The EMBO Journal describes a new hybrid post-translational modification of proteins, composed of a poly-ubiquitin chain that is attached to a target protein via a mono-ADP-ribose (MAR) ...