After the space agency canceled its VIPER rover, an empty space was available on a private spacecraft that will still head to ...
Astrolab has a contract with SpaceX to transport a larger rover, the Flexible Logistics and Exploration rover, in December of ...
However, in lieu of a mass simulator, Astrobotic wanted to see if it could find a more useful payload. So as the company's ...
American space agency NASA is looking for a U.S. company to fly the Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover (VIPER) ...
NASA is moving ahead with plans to partner with a company to deliver a rover to the surface of the moon after the agency ...
"NASA is looking forward to partnering with U.S. industry to meet the challenges of performing volatiles science in the lunar ...
These are a battery pack, a communications unit ... Lego senior design manager. “So the lunar rover has the most accurate detail I think I have ever seen in a Lego set. It was a labor of ...