To be accepted into the Honors Program, a student must submit an honors proposal for approval by the adviser, co-adviser or second reader in the student's major, and the Honors Council. See the ...
An honors thesis will be evaluated by a verbal defense before a thesis examination committee. Each committee should consist of a minimum of three examiners: 1) The primary adviser. 2) Co-adviser or ...
Each college has a liaison, called an Honors Advocate, who facilitates student success and social connection. Honors advocates contribute to the development, planning, and implementation of social and ...
Following the completion of the Required Curriculum, and again at the completion of the Elective Curriculum, the Academic Performance Committee (APC) recommends to the faculty the award of honors ...
14, 2025, at the Holiday Inn on Omni Boulevard. From 8 to 9:30 a.m., attendees marked a milestone event that unveiled the organization’s new logo and slogan, signifying a renewed commitment to ...