New research is reshaping our understanding of one of nature's most stunning yet destructive phenomena -- massive locust swarms moving together.
The whole is now brought together in a connected and systematic form, and we have in it a very complete and valuable treatise on the different kinds of locusts, whether species or varieties ...
New research published in Science is reshaping our understanding of one of nature's most stunning yet destructive phenomena -- massive locust swarms ...
Contrary to previous assumptions, the team observed that the "optomotor response" – an innate reflex in which locusts (and many other species) follow motion cues – is not responsible for coordinating ...
Contrary to previous assumptions, the team observed that the "optomotor response"—an innate reflex in which locusts (and many other species) follow motion cues—is not responsible for ...
Brood XIV cicadas are gearing up for their debut later this spring. This brood periodically emerges every 17 years.