A megaflash lightning strike is an unusually long lightning bolt that stretches at least 62 miles. These aren’t your typical ...
When researchers at the Los Alamos National Laboratory visualized data from the first few nanoseconds of a lightning, they ...
That’s because light and sound travel at different speeds. The lightning flash travels very fast, but the sound of thunder travels much more slowly. And the further away you are, the longer ...
Perhaps it’s just one of those things adults dream up to entertain their children, but were you ever told to count slowly the time between seeing a lightning flash and hearing the rumble of thunder?
As we enter the severe weather season it's a good time to prepare and practice your severe weather plan whether it's at home, work, or school.
This imbalance seeks equilibrium, and when it finds a path to balance out the charges, a brilliant flash of lightning occurs. It's like nature's way of hitting the reset button, albeit with a much ...
Absolute Flash is the latest book in the critically acclaimed Absolute Universe from DC Comics, and certainly deserves to ...
We have heard the saying: 'April showers brings May flowers.' This proverb leaves out the critical role of lightning.