Leopard seals are an abundant species of predator in Antarctica. These large, carnivorous sea mammals live in the water and around the ice of one of the most unfriendly and harshest environments o ...
Leopard seals had always been considered an Antarctic species, residing predominantly within the pack ice. Births were always thought to occur on the ice flows surrounding the continent.
Matthew Smith (UK/Australia) carefully photographs a curious leopard seal beneath the Antarctic ice. It was late in the day and Matthew had to work quickly in the fading light. He squeezed into his ...
Leopard seals are solitary animals that inhabit the pack-ice surrounding the area, growing up to 3.5 meters long. They are inquisitive, but rarely attack humans. They will eat anything from ...
A leopard seal like the one that clamped down on Gareth ... Blood streamed from the wounds and spattered to the ice with each sickening smack of the boot. The impact of the violent attack vibrated ...