Bacterium malvacearum, the causative agent of ‘black-arm’, or angular leaf-spot disease of the cotton plant, has been described in certain recent papers as capable of producing a systemic ...
Gray leaf spot, caused by the fungus Cercospora zeae maydis is the most significant yield-limiting disease of corn worldwide [1]. The disease was first reported in Illinois in 1924, and has increased ...
Frogeye leaf spot (FLS), caused by Cercospora sojina, is a serious disease affecting soybeans and can cause more than 30% yield loss if not properly managed. First reported in the United States in ...
A Pennsylvania state forestry expert says native pests are causing troublesome impacts to several valuable tree species.
The fungus is able to take hold when there are prolonged periods of wet weather that prevent the leaves from drying off. Leaf ...
"Cercospora leaf spot infects the leaf and causes defoliation, and therefore, because table beets are harvested with what's called top-pulling machinery—machines that grab the roots and pull the ...