Latin is the Church’s language, Roman and catholic as the Church is Roman and Catholic. Something is to be gained from the story of the woman who approached a priest after Mass with the ...
A faction of Catholics who split from the Church over Vatican II had continued reciting the Latin Mass before Benedict’s declaration. Now in order to use the Latin Mass, priests must get ...
Emeric. At that time he also welcomed the Chicago-based Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, a group whose priests celebrate the traditional Latin Mass, to St. Elizabeth Church.
Latin Mass communities were detested by bishops and cardinals, most of whom believed it was their life’s mission to modernize a defective Church. It also marked one out for scorn from most who ...
Members of the Latin Mass societies, Carey said, requested the visit “to secure their access to the traditional rites and sacraments of the Catholic Church (and) is in response to the rigid ...