Lauren Brown, an Arizona-based knitting enthusiast, is part of this trend, but she has found her own unique spin.
Mohair yarn is always a good one to add to your knitting and crochet supplies. It's characterised by its light and fluffy ...
You can work beautiful patterns into your projects using mohair yarn – as demonstrated by @stickscups on Instagram. The ...
Sip by sip, stitch by stitch, Philadelphia's Drunken Knitwits socialize, knit and enjoy food and drinks together.
A non-profit organization in Utah is doing more than just knitting yarn — it’s weaving hope, care and love into the lives of those who need it most.
The large knitted replicas of Gladiators Fire, Cobra, Fury and Nitro appeared on the BBC show on Saturday. They featured in a ...
From the isolation of the pandemic and other circumstances, a group of women have come together at a Waterville yarn and ...
From the moment you step inside Molly Laycock’s shop, it feels like you’ve walked into an Aladdin’s cave of colour.