Markwhan Kitcher-Tucker hanged himself in San Francisco jail while awaiting trial, an incident his lawyers said stemmed from negligence.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 54, No. 3 (Sep., 2003), pp. 465-474 (10 pages) Philip Kitcher develops the Galilean Strategy to defend realism against its many opponents. I ...
Police in Auckland have arrested two people after tracking a fleeing vehicle across the city early on Friday morning.
Kitcher Risk Solutions provides reviews and advice services that can strengthen the effectiveness of drug and alcohol policies, as well as drug and alcohol testing, education and rehabilitation ...
One person who has given a lot of thought to these matters is Dr. Philip Kitcher, a Professor of Philosophy at Columbia University and the author of The Lives to Come: The Genetic Revolution and ...
Eagle's eye in the sky has aided in the arrest of two people following a dangerous driving incident, which could have ended ...