EXCLUSIVE: Margaret Colin (Independence Day) has signed on to lead the indie flick Tox. Written and directed by Kerri Lynn ...
But that might not mean what you think. "In this book, the term trouble has two meanings," Jones tells Kerri Miller on this week's Big Books and Bold Ideas. "I open the book with the lyrics of a ...
Kerri Miller is the host of Big Books & Bold Ideas and Talking Volumes on MPR News. Before joining MPR News, Kerri spent time in both radio and TV news around the country. Her first job in ...
What’s the difference between embracing rather than merely enduring winter? In her new book, “How to Winter,” health psychologist Kari Leibowitz says it’s all about mindset. Historian ...
Keri Miller, a pediatric dentist and president of the state academy. “ I have seen a true access-to-care crisis develop in children’s oral health, and if something does not change it will only ...