雌雄贼犯案被天眼直击。尖沙咀K11 Art Mall一间饰品店在社交平台公开一段闭路电视影片,显示一男一女扮顾客浏览,期间以迅雷不及掩耳手法偷去两只共值560元耳环。店主形容二人「好眉好貌着衫端正」,提醒其他店主提防:「希望大家认住呢两个人嘅样!」 ...
本地媒体报道引述消息指,华润隆地出价约90亿港元,或12亿美元,收购新世界发展(00017)在尖沙咀河内道的 K11 Art Mall。华润隆地未有回应有关媒体的报道。
Although NEW WORLD DEV (00017.HK) was approached by CHINA RES LAND (01109.HK)'s China Resources Longdation for the sale of its K11 Art Mall in Tsim Sha Tsui, both parties are a... NWD purportedly ...
尖沙咀寸土寸金,更何况核心地带的K11 Art Mall,这里对望中环,临近维港,它的奢侈、新锐和精致足以让普通人望而却步。 也许是入驻高端商场这一 ...
Insider: K11 MUSEA has a "social mission to incubate talent and propagate culture". Why is a shopping mall seen as the best place to implement this mission? Cheng: I believe that art and cultural ...
Call it a happy accident. Our shuttle dropped us at the wrong spot—the K11 Art Mall—which was about 800 meters away from our target destination, the K11 Musea in Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon.