为解决同域生长但分布格局差异显著的刺柏属植物 Juniperus communis 和 J. sabina 的动态及差异问题,研究人员开展了植物性状、物候、初级生长、种群结构及景观作用的研究。结果表明二者功能结构相似但种群结构和繁殖能力有别,对理解植被动态和制定保护政策 ...
The world’s oldest shrub was just found in Finland’s tundra. The old-timer is a direct cousin of Arizona’s Junipers found ...
This Juniperus communis 'Arnold' is a dense, slow-growing, columnar, evergreen with blue-green leaves. The waxy cones ripen from green to blue-black. For a pop of accent color, consider Juniperus ...
The world's oldest shrub was just found in Finland's tundra. The old-timer is a direct cousin of Arizona's Junipers found ...