2025年1月25日,据《巴基斯坦国防》的报道,印度政府已经发出警告,坚决反对巴基斯坦向孟加拉国出售武器,尤其是JF-17 Block 3战斗机,此举可能会重塑南亚地区的力量态势。这一事态发生在两国之间紧张局势和战略对峙加剧的背景下,印度目前采取了强硬立场。
正当印度斯坦航空有限公司希望在一系列延误之后交付最新版本的国产轻型战斗机(LCA)“光辉MK1A”时,中国和巴基斯坦联合生产的JF-17 Block 3战斗机已经开始和F-15、F-16、“阵风”和“台风”等先进战斗机一起在沙特阿拉伯参加“胜利之矛2025”多国军事演习。
New Delhi: While the Indian Air Force (IAF) is still waiting for the latest version of the indigenous light fighter aircraft, Tejas MK1A, the JF-17 Block 3, jointly produced by China and Pakistan ...
Pakistan Aeronautical Complex has formally launched the production work of Block-III of JF-17 Thunder aircraft on the completion of dual-seat JF-17 fighter jet. The launching ceremony was held at ...
Under this agreement, Azerbaijan will purchase JF-17 Block III fighter jets from Pakistan. This deal is worth approximately 1.6 billion dollars. Both countries have termed this partnership a ...