Irritant contact dermatitis (ICD) from plants is a very common phenomenon as potentially irritant plants and plant products are commonly found in the everyday environment, including the home ...
According to the pathophysiological mechanisms involved, two major types of contact dermatitis may be recognized: irritant contact dermatitis (ICD) and allergic contact dermatitis (ACD).
Eczema is not contagious, and is a chronic disease that causes symptoms of dry, itchy skin that can appear like a red rash, ...
This skin reaction tends to be more painful than itchy. Irritant contact dermatitis is typically triggered by common substances that we are repeatedly exposed to, including: People vary widely in ...
“Irritant dermatitis is very common in young mums and hairdressers, people who have their hands in water a lot which ...
Contact dermatitis may result from an allergic or irritant reaction. In irritant contact dermatitis, an outside substance damages the skin directly and causes a reaction. With allergic contact ...
We made the diagnosis of irritant (toxic) contact dermatitis. DMSO is an organic, non-alcohol-based solution in the sulfoxide group. It is used in laboratories and pharmaceutical drug manufacturing.
Chlorine rash is a type of irritant dermatitis, which is when you experience a skin reaction when coming into contact with an external irritant. However, in rare cases, chlorine exposure may lead ...
Sixty percent of eligible UK dermatologists used this database which is designed to report skin problems caused or aggravated by work. They found that out of 7,138 cases of irritant contact dermatitis ...