Chemical dynamics simulations play a crucial role in understanding the processes involved in ion fragmentation and energy transfer during collision-induced dissociation (CID). This area of ...
The ion-trap LC/MS-MS instrument (Agilent XCT Trap) is our tool for confirmation of target compounds and study of fragmentation pathways. It provides MS n analyses and it has been successfully applied ...
These methods include MS E, all-ion fragmentation, Fourier transform-all reaction monitoring, SWATH Acquisition, multiplexed MS/MS, pseudo-SRM (pSRM) and parallel reaction monitoring (PRM).
Instrument geometry and the positioning of ion mobility separation prior to quadrupole isolation and fragmentation generate clear fragmentation spectra to further enhance certainty of identifications.
Instrument geometry and the positioning of ion mobility separation prior to quadrupole isolation and fragmentation generate clear fragmentation spectra to further enhance certainty of identifications.