What happens if we have too much? While it’s important to ensure we get enough iodine, too much of it can also be harmful. Somewhat ironically, excess iodine can end up causing the same symptoms ...
When the cure becomes the cause, we have failed . Blanket iodisation without targeted evaluation risks creating more health ...
(Some varieties of seaweed have very high levels of iodine, and could be harmful if eaten in large quantities on a regular basis). Given the widespread insufficiency of iodine in our diets ...
Some may contain harmful additives or may not be as effective ... Kelp is a type of seaweed that is rich in iodine, which is essential for thyroid function. It is also a great source of other ...
Iodine can be found in herbal supplements, even if it’s not noted on the label. Remember that even if a supplement is available over the counter, it can still have a harmful effect on your body.