LSE Sociology has a dynamic research culture, organized into five research clusters that span the central concerns of the discipline. It also plays a core role in several research centres and ...
We directly collaborate with colleagues in the Economic Sociology cluster on the theme of "Inequalities, Culture and Expertise" as well as with LSE’s International Inequalities Institute. Our members ...
What drives social inequality? How do we tackle poverty and racial prejudice? How do we create more inclusive societies? These are some of the big questions we explore on this fascinating BSc ...
Poverty and social and economic inequality have been clearly demonstrated ... about research methodologies in the fields of economics, sociology, epidemiology and social policy that are related ...
Sociology examines human social action, with an emphasis on human diversity, social inequality, and the processes that govern groups, organizations, communities, cultures and nation-states. Starting ...
Principles of Sociology; Sociology of Aging; Sociology of Work Professor Slevin has published ... 1998 (with C. Ray Wingrove); Gender, Social Inequalities, and Aging, Altimira Press, 2001 (with Toni M ...
The Department of Sociology conducts innovative research, while also remaining committed to teaching and mentoring students. Students in the graduate program gain an in-depth understanding in the ...
empirical research findings and methodological approaches of the discipline of sociology, with an emphasis on theory and research related to social inequality. Sociology majors should gain mastery of ...
She earned her B.S. in chemical engineering from Arizona State University and her M.A. in sociology from the University of Colorado Denver. Her research interests as a sociologist have been partially ...