在智能驾驶与自动化科技日益发展的今天,中海达 (股票代码:300177)正积极通过其惯性测量单元(IMU)技术为行业注入新动力。近期,该公司在投资者关系平台上明确表示,其IMU产品不仅针对智能驾驶的车载端软硬件,亦展现出在机器人导航和定位中的广泛应用潜力。
13 天
证券之星股票频道 on MSN中海达:公司的惯性测量单元(IMU)为智能驾驶车载端软硬件产品证券之星消息,中海达(300177)03月12日在投资者关系平台上答复投资者关心的问题。 投资者:董秘您好,咱们公司的产品是否应用到机器人导航定位?能否简述一下原理?谢谢啦!
In other words, it can save the day! Mainly used with high-end IMU/GNSS systems, post-processing is now accessible to all surveying applications, even with the powerful Virtual Base Station (VBS) mode ...
11 天
每经网 on MSN中海达:公司智能驾驶车载高精度业务以定点车型产品的量产交付为 ...每经AI快讯,有投资者在投资者互动平台提问:公司的IMU为何没有大规模应用消费级电子产品?是不是产品低价值,公司不打算生产? 中海达(300177.SZ)3月14日在投资者互动平台表示,公司的智能驾驶车载端软硬件产品有高精度定位天线、车载组合型(4G ...
SBG Systems has introduced the latest iteration of its Ellipse product line. The New Ellipse, available as a no-cost firmware ...
1 年
Tech Xplore on MSNGNSS Gyroscopes: A new horizon in motion measurementThe experimental platform of high-rate GNSS gyroscopes with the three Trimble Net R9 antennas and the inertial measurement ...
Features include Trimble’s ProPoint GNSS positioning engine and Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU)-based tilt compensation using Trimble TIP technology. These features make it possible to work in ...
NASA, in partnership with the Italian Space Agency, has successfully acquired and tracked Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) signals on the Moon, marking a major milestone in lunar navigation.