They are not strong enough to set off phrases or words from a sentence. Use hyphens in the following situations: Use in compound numbers and fractions. Combine two adjectives that are working together ...
A hyphen is used to join two words together that describe a noun. They help us avoid confusion when writing sentences. For example, ‘A crocodile eating brain’. Could mean bad times for Brain.
A hyphen is used to join two words together that describe a noun. They help us avoid confusion when writing sentences. For example, ‘A crocodile eating brain’. Could mean bad times for Brain.
Times are written as single digits followed by a space and then a.m. or p.m. EXAMPLE: 5 p.m., 8 a.m., 12 p.m., 11 a.m. NOT: 5:00p.m., 8AM, 12pm noon, 11:00AM When writing a range of time, use an ...