His wife picked the time to die. “You better go and get it,” Derek Humphry said he was told shortly before 1 p.m. on March 29, 1975, at their home near Bath, England. Mr. Humphry, a newspaper ...
Every week we delve into the Country Life archive for a fascinating piece from times gone by. Our recent article on Sheringham Hall inspired us to go back to this 2018 piece about Humphry Repton, ...
The house was designed by Jeffry Wyatt (famous for transforming Windsor Castle into a castellated Gothic palace) and, once it was completed in 1814, Humphry Repton, who had designed the duke’s garden ...
The idea of scientists creating monsters was born. Professor Brian Cox introduces Humphry Davy, who was passionate both about chemistry and communicating his enthusiasm for science to the public.
On the north wall of the chapel of St Andrew in Westminster Abbey is a white marble memorial to chemist and poet Sir Humphry Davy. The tablet was erected by Lady Davy and is by sculptor Sir Francis ...
Jack, 11, started drumming at Humphry Davy School in Penzance at 07:00 GMT on Wednesday and he raised £2,879 for two cancer charities. Jack's mother, Dawn, is undergoing chemotherapy for breast ...
A member of one of Christchurch’s grand old families, Humphry Rolleston has forged a reputation as a businessman with smart, sensible and generous instincts. Rolleston’s business interests are ...