One of the most powerful supernatural beings of Haida mythology is the elusive Dogfish Woman, who derives her shamanic powers from the dogfish (a small shark). Seen here in her human form, the snout ...
The Haida had a very strong legal case ... “Rather than seeking to deny First Nations our most basic human rights, in clear violation of domestic and international law, we encourage all British ...
Containing over 140 artifacts, this new exhibit presents a deep dive into the world of orcas, their interactions with humans and the way humans perceive them.
The short documentary follows Heather as she travels to visit her Nuni (grandmother) in Haida Gwaii, makes a traditional Haida blanket and is adopted into her clan. My identity cannot be defined ...
1:25 B.C. signs historic agreement handing over title to Haida Gwaii The federal government will recognize Aboriginal title over the archipelago of Haida Gwaii off British Columbia’s northern ...
but most often one cub is human and the other a bear. Bill Reid told the story of the Bear Mother numerous times in his works. Arguably, his most famous depiction was of the bear father, the mother, ...
“Rather than seeking to deny First Nations our most basic human rights, in clear violation ... the current provincial government and the Haida Nation’s tremendous accomplishment,” read ...
Sure, it took about 100 years for the Haida to get to this point, but it is good that we’re here nonetheless. Treating people as human beings with rights matters, especially when this has ...
(Previously known as the Queen Charlotte Islands, the home of the Haida First Nations reverted back to Haida Gwaii in 2010.) The Haida culture, the remote location, and the ocean mist drifting ...
In a creation story from the West Coast, the Haida tell of a Raven that released them from a giant clamshell. (Scene from Canada: A People's History) Thus he made the land. We do not know this by ...