In the world of horror, special effects makeup plays a crucial role in creating terrifying creatures and gruesome scenes that leave audiences screaming. I dare say it is the unsung hero that ...
An old hospital in the rural Queensland town of Cracow is now home to a group of creatives working on horror-comedy films.
It includes films from such masters of horror as George A. Romero, Guillermo del Toro, splatter veteran Olaf Ittenbach, and makeup fx guru Tom Savini to the more contemporary Stephen Cognetti and ...
Psychedelic visuals and a well-used audience insert character make The Dunwich Horror the best Lovecraft screen adaptation.
The satirical body horror was nominated for Best Director ... Chris Walas and Stephan Dupuis created the effects and handled the makeup, and the team won the Academy Award in 1987.
He is one of a few special effects make-up artists in Hong Kong ... Since he was a child, Chan has always been a big fan of horror and zombie films. But growing up, he never thought about turning ...