A honey bee tears itself open when it stings, releasing poison into its victim. Stinging words between humans can be replaced ...
Small, fuzzy, and indefatigable, honeybees also possess a kind of chaotic, almost relatable energy that has made them ...
Honey bee mortality can be significantly reduced by ensuring that treatments for the parasitic Varroa mite occur within ...
Discover fascinating insights into the behavior of honey bees. A new study reveals how far they travel to forage and how long ...
Entomologists are gluing tiny QR codes on honey bees to better track the pollinators’ travel habits and life cycles. In doing ...
Here are some interesting facts about the Honey badger which are considered one of the most fearless animals in the world.
Jörg Mayer, DVM, MS, DABVP, DECZM, DACZM, discusses how bee venom and honey benefits veterinary oncology, in a dvm360 ...
Today the humble honey bee provides us with a significant proportion ... by the bees it’s also the food that we feed to animals, which we in turn eat, that has been pollinated in a similar ...
How do animals use the information they obtain from their environment to move through space, time their activities, assess quantity, or remember the past? Deep inside a hive, a honey bee (Apis ...