This is probably why historical memes are extremely popular online. So we’ve scoured the internet to find the funniest historical jokes and posts that are timeless. Scroll below to check our ...
These funny ancient history memes manage to teach you something while making you laugh at just how absurd the past really was. From petty rulers to bizarre cultural practices, history is basically ...
But if Biden’s memehood was a first draft, in a brief window of time JD Vance is already proving to be a master of the art. His donut shop ambivalence, debate side-eye, or wild youth may all come to ...
This image would become the emblematic Doge meme. The meme’s popularity surged further when a subreddit post in 2012 featured an audio clip of a computer-generated voice interacting with a Doge ...
It’s considered the deadliest natural disaster in U.S. history. Second on the meme is the Battle of Antietam, when an estimated 3,650 soldiers were killed. This is accurate, according to the ...