On the heels of Sapelo Island and Shelter Cove dock incidents, are Hilton Head’s docks and gangways safe? Asking that ...
Fifteen to 20 people were on the gangway at the Shelter Cove Marina when it crashed into the water below, according to Hilton ...
A gangway collapse at a Hilton Head Island marina left several people with minor injuries. Up to 20 people were on a gangway ...
In the coming days, the red, white and blue walls on the northern end of South Beach Marina in Sea Pines, one of Hilton Head’s most iconic tourist locations, will come tumbling down. As will the ...
They also say eight people were treated and transported to the hospital for minor injuries. Hilton Head Fire Rescue was ...
The marina is home to water sports, the famed Salty Dog Café, and a beach as long and wide as a desert at low tide. – Carmen DeCecco Hilton Head's Harbour Town district, a pocket inside the ...
HILTON HEAD, S.C. (WTOC) - We’re getting our first look at the aftermath of a gangway collapse at Shelter Cove Marina on Hilton Head Island last week. The collapsed gangway led to the B Dock at ...
Every marina and dock boasts at least two to four ... dining restaurants featuring authentic international cuisine. Hilton Head is now known for excellent Italian, French and Mexican restaurants.