In comparison, high-density lipoprotein works to reduce cholesterol levels by absorbing it and carrying it back to the liver.
Having high levels of cholesterol is dangerous but there are ways to both prevent this and reduce your levels that don't ...
Variability in total cholesterol (TC) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) is associated with dementia and ...
A large research team led by nanotechnologist Roy van der Meel rebuilt the body's own proteins and fats into nano-delivery ...
China: New research in adults aged 50 and older found that those with osteosarcopenia had higher serum high-density ...
5. Exercise regularly: Physical activity can lower LDL cholesterol. Begin with 30 minutes of moderate exercise (like brisk ...
A small red supplement priced at a mere 24p could help lower "bad" cholesterol levels, according to research. A study ...
The popular spice has been linked to a range of health benefits from helping indigestion tog protecting the body against ...