When you're playing in any genre, you want to look at the character archetypes that writers usually employ so you can put ...
Heroes, Warriors, and Martyrs—may be biologically imprinted in our DNA. Science, psychology, and epigenetics reveal the roots ...
The trickster archetype brings chaos and unpredictability, making choice-based RPGs fun and engaging. If you've played many ...
This is why, when penning the original Star Wars trilogy, George Lucas turned to Joseph Campbell, author of The Hero With a Thousand Faces, to help him understand the archetypal narrative structure ...
Lolly Daskal: An archetype is a persona that is within us. It's something that we can identify. It's the Hero's Journey talks about journey that we take within ourselves, that from birth until ...
This phenomenon, referred to as archetypal inflation, occurs when a person’s identity is overtaken by a symbolic role, such as the victim, warrior, or hero. In such cases, the archetype no ...