大家好,今天我们要聊一聊一个让时尚与功能完美融合的品牌——Helly Hansen,特别是它在日本市场的独特设计理念和潮流风格。正如登山者和渔夫所推崇的挪威户外品牌,Helly Hansen近期在日本展开了令人惊艳的变革,塑造了一个全新的潮流形象。这个名为“山系甜妹”的人设,正吸引着越来越多的年轻消费者,尤其是在时尚重镇——东京的原宿。
Jame Eagan confronts Helly on the severed floor about her "tricking" him in Severance season 2, episode 9, referring to their ...
Helena Eagan chose to give her Innie a different name, "Helly R.," in Severance, and it wasn't just to hide her identity from ...
The ongoing rivalry between Helena and Helly R. on the hit sci-fi drama on Apple TV+ serves as a parable about internalized ...
2025年3月4日,雅戈尔披露接待调研公告,公司于2月28日接待中信证券、新华保险、杉树资产3家机构调研。公告显示,雅戈尔参与本次接待的人员共3人,为董事会秘书冯隽,证券事务代表曹雨超,证券事务助理林欣。调研接待地点为宁波。据了解,雅戈尔公司的产品结构中,主品牌正装占七成,休闲系列占三成,公司计划未来提升休闲 ...
During an exclusive conversation, Helly Shah opens up about her Holi plans for this year and what festival mean to him.
Light, warm and packable, this down jacket checks all the boxes as a year-round layer across various activities ...
Severance Season 2 still hasn’t revealed who Helena Eagan’s mother is – but Jame Eagan might be the key to unlocking this mystery.
负面展望反映了如果公司未能按计划降低杠杆率且调整后杠杆率持续高于3倍,Kontoor的评级在未来12个月内可能会被下调。信用指标的恶化主要源于债务融资收购。此外,由于Project Jeanius相关的重组成本,标普全球评级预计该公司2025年的杠杆率不会显著降低。