It's a bird; it's a plane!! It's a ... cloud?! No, it's a massive, once-military-grade hover-capable blimp designed to ...
They're coming back - not that they've ever been away for long. But it would be prudent not to get too carried away just yet, as a new dawn has beckoned for airships many times over the years without ...
Thanks to technological advances, helium-filled hybrid airships are only superficially similar to airships of old. They are billed as a cheap and environmentally-friendly alternative to other ...
Back then, it was a true blimp — that is, a giant, soft balloon full of helium. Today's Goodyear blimps — the company has a trio of the airships spread across Ohio, California and Florida ...
Back then, it was a true blimp — that is, a giant, soft balloon full of helium. Today's Goodyear blimps — the company has a trio of the airships spread across Ohio, California and Florida ...