Red-shouldered hawk perched and keenly watching for its next vole meal. The school building isn’t very old, and I feel that by attracting the hawk, the designers have achieved one of their goals ...
Red-tailed hawks are known for their brick-colored ... Breeding season initiates a spectacular sequence of aerial acrobatics. Hawk pairs fly in large circles and gain great height before the ...
A red-tailed hawk was struck by a vehicle on Interstate ... “The hawk presented with a thin body condition and will need further evaluation but will be kept comfortable with pain medication ...
On March 4, a concerned Beverly Drive animal lover called police about a large hawk caught in part of their backyard trampoline. An arriving animal control officer successfully assisted the red ...
Rochelle the red-tailed hawk could be spotted in her nest on the afternoon of Feb. 26.(Courtesy of the Texas Department) A familiar face of spring has returned to Dallas-Fort Worth and made her nest.