But in Florida, this process is broken. Most species of hard corals that form the reef’s complex structure and help safeguard coastal communities from storm surge are not having babies in the ...
Coral reefs globally are facing unprecedented pressures and are particularly sensitive to climate change and extremes in temperature. Most hard corals grow thanks to a symbiotic relationship between ...
A closeup of a well-preserved Late Holocene hard pillar coral (Dendrogyra cylindrus), now genetically extinct along the Florida reef tract due to a disease outbreak in 2014.
Covering nearly 133,000 square miles (345,000 square kilometers), the Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest coral reef, home to more than 1,500 species of fish and 411 species of hard corals.
The coral reef systems of the Al Wajh lagoon on the Red Sea, the world's fourth largest barrier reef system, are estimated to host approximately 210 species of hard corals and 120 species of soft ...
The survey has so far documented five hard coral species and an impressive 30 plus soft coral species, suggesting that nearly two-thirds of Kerala’s known soft coral diversity thrives in waters ...