The highlight? Watching that robotic hand respond to chemical reactions! The project relies on a “lab-on-a-chip” approach, where microfluidics streamline the processes. Luminol isn’t just ...
Learn about the development of Shadow Robot's DEX-EE hand, including its unique tendon-driven system using more than one ...
This is the world's first biomimetic robot. Robotics experts have recognized the Clone Project. The Polish creator believes ...
Researchers are paving the way for the design of bionic limbs that feel natural to users. They demonstrate the connection between hand movement patterns and motoneuron control patterns. The study, ...
Researchers at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italian Institute of Technology) in Italy and Imperial College London in ...
Covvi, a prosthetics development company, has developed a multi-articulated robotic hand that is capable of performing ...
Passive training using a robotic exoskeleton hand could help pianists overcome that ceiling effect, according to a paper ...
The powered exoskeleton could allow pianists to overcome the 'ceiling effect,' in which their performance plateaus after ...
A soft robotic hand that feels and moves like a real human hand is developed by researchers from the Italian Institute of ...
A team of roboticists at Sony Computer Science Laboratories Inc. and the NeuroPiano Institute, in Kyoto, reports that a robotic exoskeleton strapped to the top of a piano player's hand allowed it to ...