Arrival, departure times of 22 trains at GSP/Gurdaspur. 22 trains pass through Gurdaspur station. It is not a major station and only a few long distance trains stop here. 8 Mail Express trains, 6 DEMU ...
How many trains are there from Amritsar Junction to Gurdaspur? There are 10 direct trains that run between Amritsar Junction and Gurdaspur. The train schedules consist of 7 daily and 1 triweekly ...
Protesting farmers blocked train routes at many places, including Moga, Faridkot, Kadian and Batala in Gurdaspur ... platforms of the Ludhiana railway station. The Shatabdi Express coming from ...
“Batala Police have successfully solved two high-profile cases of grenade attacks on the Ghanie ke Bangar police station, Batala, on December 12 and the Wadala Bangar Police Post, Gurdaspur, on ...