Theodoros Kolokotronis is undoubtedly the ultimate symbol of the Greek War of Independence, which took place from 1821 to ...
Archaeologists have unearthed an ancient Greek helmet from burial mounds in southern Croatia, shedding new light on the history of the Illyrians, a tribal people from the eastern Adriatic and the ...
In the Iliad, did Homer really describe the type of warfare common to the Mycenaean Era? Or was he describing the warfare of ...
where he would be put under In a time-honored Spartan tradition, other markers were often erected on the site of the battle. One of the most common was a tree trunk dressed in the helmet ...
called the Peloponnesian War, from 431 to 404BC. Only the threat of invasion by a foreign enemy made the Greeks forget their quarrels and fight on the same side. Their biggest enemy were the ...
called the Peloponnesian War, from 431 to 404BC. Only the threat of invasion by a foreign enemy made the Greeks forget their quarrels and fight on the same side. Their biggest enemy were the ...
Mothers whose sons died in battle openly rejoiced ... was dishonorable to return without a shield and not without a helmet, the Spartan king, Demaratos (510 - 491) is said to have replied ...
Mothers whose sons died in battle openly rejoiced ... was dishonorable to return without a shield and not without a helmet, the Spartan king, Demaratos (510 - 491) is said to have replied ...