This is just for simplicity. The explanation and the implementation will follow this convention. In the study of graph coloring problems in mathematics and computer science, a greedy coloring or ...
Trabalho para a disciplina de Matemática Discreta 2019/2 lecionada pelo professor Ricardo Lurders na UTFPR-CT O programação recebe como entrada um arquivo .csv com a representação do grafo por meio de ...
Conflict-free coloring is an intriguing area of study in graph theory that focuses on assigning colors to the vertices of a graph in such a way that certain conditions are met regarding the colors ...
Discrete math is one of the oldest branches of mathematics, with a direct line of descent from problems studied in the most ancient mathematical texts. It includes number theory, the study of patterns ...
Discrete mathematics, in contrast with continuous mathematics, concerns countable objects which have isolated values not varying continuously. Some examples of discrete structures are integer ...