Their goats or horses or cows’ labor has passed in the night, and the dawn brings a new addition to the farm in the form an ...
A farmer was left shocked after his goat gave birth to a ‘half-pig half-human' creature. There are now fears the creature was cursed and could bring bad luck to the family. Some have even said ...
A huge crowd of curious onlookers milled the incident as they gathered to watch with local media reporting on an infant goat-like animal ... where the woman had given birth after she consulted ...
The goat's breeder, Mohammad Hasan Narejo, said he saw stardom from the start with Simba. "Within 10 to 12 days of his birth, he was already appearing in all the national and international media ...
Unlike cows who milk year round, there’s a certain seasonality to goat cheese. Goats give birth in the spring, producing rich milk for their newborns, and increasing volume for growing kids over ...
There’s nothing quite like waking up on a spring morning, pulling on your muckiest boots, and driving out to a farm. Especially when it’s time to meet the first babies of the year. Sitting on ...
We knew an “about” date for my youngest’s goat to give birth. The goat, Cream, led us on for a bit, but just wasn’t as ready as we were for her to give birth. We watched for signs of her being close ...