African giant pouched rats are not your typical New York City–style rodent. They’re calm, easier to train than some dogs, and able to work up to seven or eight years (they live eight to 10 ...
MOROGORO, Tanzania — Often dismissed as pests, rats have long been misunderstood. But the African giant pouched rat (Cricetomys gambianus), the world’s longest, is challenging that perception.
African giant pouched rats, which have previously been trained to sniff out buried mines and detect tuberculosis, are now being used to stop smuggling in Tanzania, The Guardian reported.
The truth is you give an inch back, they'll take a mile. There's no definitive count of the rat populace in New York, though one recent estimate placed it at about 3 million. Various mayors ...
For centuries, government leaders and public health experts have been trying to get a handle on New York City's rat community, which continues to grow in size. But a new group is curious to ...