This seaweed is called floating sargassum, and it creates one of the most unique and important marine habitats. Before breaking up and being washed up onshore, these mats of floating brown seaweed ...
Researchers identified a strong negative North Atlantic Oscillation in 2009--2010 as the tipping point that pushed sargassum into the tropical Atlantic, confirming vertical mixing, not rivers, as the ...
Lapointe is talking about a floating seaweed known as sargassum in a region of the Atlantic called the Sargasso Sea. The boundaries of this sea are vague, defined not by landmasses but by five ...
“When sargassum, a floating macroalgae, reaches the coast, it starts decomposing, creating an oxygen-deprived environment that harms various organisms,” said García. “It mostly affects ...
It is commonly supposed that this area of the Atlantic is so thick with seaweed that ships cannot penetrate it. Although it is indeed strewn with floating Sargassum, it is actually a biological desert ...
Muller-Karger and a team of researchers analyzed currents, winds and nutrient levels to determine that vertical currents are behind the massive blooms creating the Great Atlantic Sargassum Belt.