在科技飞速发展的今天,微观世界的探索越发深入,脑科学领域也迎来了新的突破。中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院的医学成像全国重点实验室的郑海荣院士、刘成波研究员和郑炜研究员团队,成功开发出一款仅重 1.7 克的头戴式成像显微镜,这一成果为大脑研究打开了全新的大门。
Josephson microwave microscopy integrating Josephson junctions onto a nanoprobe enables spectroscopic imaging of near-field ...
IT is now generally recognized that high-resolution dark-field electron microscopy is essential for a comprehensive study of inperfections in crystalline materials. However, commercial electron ...
A flower-shaped structure only a few micrometers in size made of a nickel-iron alloy can concentrate and locally enhance ...
In confocal microscopy, laser light is focused into a very small spot and is scanned across the specimen to reconstitute a 2D image. This is in contrast to wide-field microscopes in which the entire ...
Introduction to SNOM: The Scanning Near-field Optical Microscope (SNOM) stands as a pivotal analytical tool in nanotechnology, enabling the visualization of nanostructures with resolution beyond the ...
A new "self-driving" microscope developed by UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers solves two fundamental challenges ...
Researchers have invented an entirely new field of microscopy -- nuclear spin microscopy. The team can visualize magnetic signals of nuclear magnetic resonance with a microscope. Quantum sensors ...